My mission

Helping to free humanity from the oppressive stranglehold of Christian rulers, lobbyists, influencers and politicians.

The oppressive stranglehold of Christian rulers, lobbyists, influencers and politicians

In many countries in the world, such as the US, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Brazil, and now also the Netherlands, we are seeing a shift to the right, as it is called. Conservative forces are gaining influence. In the background, Christian churches play a major role in this. No one disputes that in Poland the Catholic Church was a major factor in the introduction of one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in Europe. In the US, conservative Christian groups, such as the Evangelicals, played an important role in reversing the federal right to abortion, after which conservative Christian states such as Texas and Alabama passed exceptionally strict anti-abortion laws. The fact that humane euthanasia legislation is not being introduced in such countries/states can be largely explained by Christian influence. In Russia, where the Orthodox Church has just as much influence as it did during the Tsarist period, anti-LGBT legislation is added. Christian conservative Hungary probably takes the cake with its ban on euthanasia, desperate attempts to roll back existing liberal abortion legislation, and making life difficult for the LHBTI community.

While Christianity in the Netherlands seems like a demented, almost dead old man, in a large part of the world it is very much alive, and not only that, it exerts a bad influence by pushing politicians in a conservative, anti-humanist direction with a ban on abortion and euthanasia, an anti-LGBTTI climate and many other measures.

There is another very big problem. Especially now, when humanity is in danger of being destroyed by the climate crisis, it is more important than ever that it does not allow itself to be divided by Christian anti-humanist manipulations and us/them thinking, but operates as one big family in which everyone, believer, non-believer, transgender, homosexual, man, woman, dark or light, is respected and can make an optimal contribution to combating the crisis. Especially in 2024, it is crucial that humanity is freed from the oppressive stranglehold of Christian rulers, lobbyists, influencers and politicians, so that a universal humanism can take an important step forward, and combating the climate crisis becomes much more likely.

How do we free ourselves from the oppressive stranglehold of Christian rulers, lobbyists, influencers and politicians?

Christianity derives its militant power and influence from the belief in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and the conviction that everyone who follows Jesus’ commandments will also rise from the dead and enter a happy life in the hereafter. This is a fat carrot that Christian rulers are holding up to Christians and with which they have set themselves up as gatekeepers of eternal happiness in the hereafter with all the possibilities for manipulation that entails. Exposing the resurrection story as untrue deprives Christianity of its power and the Christian rulers of their possibilities for manipulation. Christianity then turns into atheism or, what I call, Jezism, the belief that Jesus was a special person (not a God or a son of God) who advocated empathy and humanity. Jezism is in many ways similar to Buddhism, the most peaceful of all world religions.

How do we prove that the story of Jesus’ resurrection is untrue?

Of course, every serious Christian knows that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is considered impossible by science. But, he might say, that proves the divine nature of Jesus, that he did something that is impossible for normal mortals and scientifically speaking. A Christian will therefore not rely on science but on the Holy Scripture, or the Bible. After a long and intensive study of the Bible, I came to the astonishing conclusion that the Bible gives us good reason to assume that the resurrection story is untrue. Of course, I have to substantiate this seemingly counterintuitive statement. Click here for the substantiation of the statement that the Bible gives us good reason to assume that the resurrection story is untrue. My novel The Last Christian also provides substantiation of this statement, but then in the form of an exciting story.