The Last of the Christians (novel). Phoenix Books, 2024. ISBN: 9789464789294.
Critical Thinking about Good and Bad. Amsterdam: Boom, 2018. ISBN: 9789024415564
Practical Ethics, third edition. Amsterdam: Boom, 2014. ISBN: 9789462363953
Whom to save: Ethics for self-driving cars. The Case Centre, 2016. (https://www.thecasecentre.org/educators/products/view?id=136599)
Ethical reflection is an essential skill for modern business economists. In: Bedrijfskundigen in de 21ste eeuw; Daan
Gijsbertse en Wim Naeije (ed.). 2014.
Penal law without free will. Literary Magazine Tirade. 2005.
Exploring the Development of Organisational and Management Structures in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. Together with: Jaroslav Kollmann, Milan Talí and Daniel Chamrada. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. Volume 11 Number 4, 2024
Opinion articles (in national newspapers):
Social debate on euthanasia should be based on science, not unproven religious notions
Trouw, Aug. 23, 2024
Trouw, Aug. 13, 2023
Humans suffer more than animals and therefore have more rights
Trouw, June 11, 2022
‘Law guide’ may save believers from shock
No one gets better from retaliating
Trouw, August 19, 2009
At Saddam’s gallows, silence befits us
Trouw, Nov. 13, 2006
Talking to al-Qaeda is out of the question
The Volkskrant,October 11, 2005
Constitution does revolve around Article 1
Trouw, Dec. 24, 2002
Curtail civil rights to defend
The Volkskrant, November 21, 2005
Israel too quick to call an attack anti-Semitism
Trouw, January 9, 2004
Lawyers Fortuyn chose wrong law article
Trouw, May 24, 2003
Ban on wearing headscarf is a bad thing
The Volkskrant, December 29, 2003
Ban Hellinger’s incest therapy
Trouw, July 2, 2003
D66 may not refuse participation in government
Autonomous suicide is third way besides euthanasia and sedation
De Volkskrant, December 10, 2005
It is high time for a health police
Trouw, July 13, 2007
Talk English to your friends, too
Newspaper not a sanctuary for frustration or bigotry
America offers more security than UN
Allegation of racism must be made hard
Cloning is more than reprehensible
Punishment should start hurting again
People’s opinion on Iraq does not matter
Database needed on business behavior
Trouw, May 1, 2003
New rules only for new generations
It’s time to reinstate suicide
Norms and values are not fun or cool
Manslaughter is actually the same as murder
Trouw, February 11, 2003
About everything we must dare to speak
You don’t just reverse a circumcision
Irresponsible to hope for a good life
It’s high time for a health police (opinion)
Trouw, July 12, 2007
Sorry, we won’t answer from now on
Trouw, June 6, 2006
Direct democracy is end of freedom
Making ‘human animals’ acceptable
Prophecies of doom Verbrugge unreal, not dangerous
No one can really know if H. is disturbed
CDA cannot conduct Christian politics
The Volkskrant,February 18, 2004
Article 23 has no place in modern rule of law
The Volkskrant, November 6, 2003
Abortion of disabled person is almost duty
The Volkskrant, April 15, 2003
The Volkskrant, April 21, 2004